Welcome to the new look CPiRLS-4S

CPiRLS-4S, The Chiropractic Patient Incident Reporting and Learning System for Students, is an online reporting and learning forum that enables chiropractic students to share and comment on patient safety incidents.

The essential details of submitted reports are published on this website for all participating chiropractic students to view and add comments. Sharing information in this way helps to ensure the whole student body learns from the collective experience in the interests of patients and becomes familiar with incident reporting as part of a blame-free culture of safety, and a routine risk management tool.

CPiRLS-4S is secure and anonymous. For this security to be effective, you require a password to participate. This will be provided by your Tutor.

Please note that reporting to CPiRLS-4S is NOT a substitute for the reporting of patient safety incidents to your Tutor